University of Arizona Law creates more opportunities for qualified students to apply to law school. We are proud to have been the first law school to accept the GRE, launching a national trend that transformed legal education admissions. Since that time, a team of researchers from the college set forth to create our own law-specific admissions test, and they succeeded. After five years of research and peer reviewed publications the ABA Council on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar has now approved JD-Next for use by Arizona and has invited all law schools to use JD-Next as an alternative JD admissions pathway.
Application Options
Application is now open
You may apply with an LSAT or GRE earned any time in the last five years. If you have already taken the LSAT, those scores will be considered regardless of other scores you submit with your application.
In spring of 2023, the ABA granted a request to allow schools to admit students using scores from the JD-Next exam which means you can apply to law school without taking the LSAT or GRE.
Contact the University of Arizona Law admissions office at law-admissions@email.arizona.edu for help determining which application path is right for you.